Architectural Firms and Executives

Count: 35,568 | List: 0709

Architectural Firms and Executives, Architectural Firms, Services and Executives Mailing ListThis file consists of various types of architectural design firms and architectural businesses in the U.S. In addition to architects this file comprises all architectural related services. Architectural Firms and Executives serve public and private owners, facility managers, designers, general contractors and the construction industry. They are ideal prospects for software, architectural and drafting supplies and furniture as well as other architectural product or service.

Reach these Architectural Firms and Executives for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other architectural related offer.

The Architectural Firms, Services and Executives list is NCOA’d quarterly.

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  • Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists
  • Medical & Healthcare Mailing Lists
  • Business & Consumer Mailing Lists
  • Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
  • Over 70 Years in Business

For More Information on the Architectural Firms, Services and Executives List:

Architectural Firms, Services and Executives Datacard

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Selections by Business/Industry

Architects & Builders Services 1,349
Architects & Engineers 312
Architects 32,482
Architectural & Construction Specifications 210
Architectural Designers 3,500
Architectural Engineering 983
Architectural Engineers 675
Architectural Illustrators 808
Architectural Services 59,886
Building Construction Consultants 6,596
Building Designers 1,832
Construction Estimates 3,531
Golf Course Architects 398
CHome Design & Planning Services 2,414

Architects, Draftsmen and Surveyors

Count: 98,244 | List: 6052

Architects, Draftsmen and Surveyors Mailing ListThis file contains Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors at Home Address with a select of Mail Order Buyers. Architects create the overall aesthetic and look of buildings and other structures. Architects may be involved in all phases of a construction project, from the initial discussion with the client through the entire construction process. Architects’ duties require specific skills – designing, engineering, managing, supervising, and communicating with clients and builders. Architects spend a great deal of time explaining their ideas to clients, construction contractors, and others. Successful architects must be able to communicate their unique vision persuasively.

The architect and client discuss the objectives, requirements, and budget of a project. In some cases, architects provide various pre-design services: conducting feasibility and environmental impact studies, selecting a site, preparing cost analysis and land-use studies, or specifying the requirements the design must meet. After discussing and agreeing on the initial proposal, architects develop final construction plans that show the building’s appearance and details for its construction. Architects may also assist clients in obtaining construction bids, selecting contractors, and negotiating construction contracts.

Draftsmen prepare technical drawings and plans, which are used to build everything from manufactured products such as toys, toasters, industrial machinery and spacecraft to structures such as houses, office buildings, and oil and gas pipelines. Draftsmen’s drawings provide visual guidelines and show how to construct a product or structure. Draftsmen’s drawings include technical details and specify dimensions, materials, and procedures. Draftsmen fill in technical details using drawings, rough sketches, specifications, and calculations made by engineers, surveyors, architects, or scientists.

Surveyors measure distances, directions, and angles between points and elevations of points, lines, and contours on, above, and below the Earth’s surface. In the field, they select known survey reference points and determine the precise location of important features in the survey area using specialized equipment. Surveyors also research legal records, look for evidence of previous boundaries, and analyze data to determine the location of boundary lines. Surveyors are sometimes called to provide expert testimony in court about their work. Surveyors also record their results, verify the accuracy of data, and prepare plots, maps, and reports.

Reach these Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors at Home Address Mail Order Buyers for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other Architectural related offer.

The Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors at Home Address Mail Order Buyers list is NCOA’d quarterly.

We can find any list you need!

  • Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists
  • Medical & Healthcare Mailing Lists
  • Business & Consumer Mailing Lists
  • Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
  • Over 70 Years in Business

For More Information on the Architects, Draftsmen and Surveyors List:

Architects, Draftsmen and Surveyors Datacard

Or call 800.223.6454 to speak to a specialist today.

Selections by Title

Architect 73,895
Draftsman 9,157
Surveyor 15,172

Selections by Age

18 to 25 159
26 to 39 2,127
40 to 49 8,673
50 to 64 38,730
65 to 69 15,752
70 to 74 12,505
Over 75 19,705