Occupational Therapists

Count: 144,179 | List: 1255

Occupational Therapists Mailing ListHugo Dunhill Mailing Lists now offers a brand new file of 144,179 Occupational Therapists. These professionals provide services to people who are mentally, physically, or emotionally disabled. Therapeutic activities may involve learning how to use adaptive equipment such as wheelchairs together with practicing crafts to improve motor skills.

Most occupational therapists work in hospitals, schools, and rehabilitation facilities. Their field is of growing importance as medical technology continues to increase the lifespan of the old and save young lives resulting in an increased demand for rehabilitative care.

Reach these Occupational Therapists for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other health related offer.

There are 114,711 records available with License Number!


Selections by Type of Therapist

Occupational Therapist Assistant 4,416
Occupational Therapist 139,764


We can find any list you need!

  • Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists
  • Medical & Healthcare Mailing Lists
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  • Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
  • Over 70 Years in Business

For More Information on the Occupational Therapists List:

Occupational Therapists Datacard

Or call 800.223.6454 to speak to a specialist today