DB Source – Business Owners

Count: 3,203,288 | List: 6091

Business Owners List
With a universe of 14 million businesses and 24 million executives, you now have the most comprehensive business information available. Hugo Dunhill Media is well recognized for its wide range of job titles — over 200 are available.

Our DB Source database is multi-sourced using yellow pages and business white pages, along with annual reports, government data, business directories, corporate and executive registers and public records. In order to ensure accuracy, the file is then put through a telephone verification process to update and obtain additional information such as employee size, key contact name and primary SIC code.

The fact is that well-sourced, intelligently selected business lists and demographically rich databases are the most powerful tools for selling products and services in today’s complex business environment. Reaching the right person with the right message is everything. Hugo Dunhill Media’s DB Source database can do just that for you. We can help you locate new markets, identify new opportunities and build existing relationships.

Business Owners communicate their goals for the success of their company to their employees. They work with all aspects of the company and in all departments. Business Owners keep track of cash inflow and outflow, liabilities and assets. Business Owners are the top key decision makers in a company whether it is small or large.

Reach these Business Owners for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other business related offer.

The DB Source – Business Owners list is NCOA’d quarterly.

We can find any list you need!

  • Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists
  • Medical & Healthcare Mailing Lists
  • Business & Consumer Mailing Lists
  • Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
  • Over 70 Years in Business

For More Information on the DB Source – Business Owners List:

Business Owners Datacard

Selections by Employee Size

1-4 1,444,232
5-9 825,330
10-19 548,707
20-49 272,139
50-99 339,038
100-249 13,316
250-499 2,077
500-999 653
1,000+ 148

Selections by Sales Volume

Under $500K 1,375,008
$500,000 to $1 Million 563,369
$1 Million to $2.5 Million 641,853
$2.5 Million to $ 5 Million 256,602
$5 Million to $10 Million 152,767
$10 Million to $50 Million 105,355
$50 Million to $100 Million 9,062
$100 Million to $500 Million 4,134
$500 Million+ 361