DB Source – Clinics

Count: 55,124 | List: 6102

Clinics List
Our DB Source database is multi-sourced using yellow pages and business white pages, along with annual reports, government data, business directories, corporate and executive registers and public records. In order to ensure accuracy, the file is then put through a telephone verification process to update and obtain additional information such as employee size, key contact name and primary SIC code.

The fact is that well-sourced, intelligently selected business lists and demographically rich databases are the most powerful tools for selling products and services in today’s complex business environment. Reaching the right person with the right message is everything. Hugo Dunhill’s DB Source database can do just that for you. We can help you locate new markets, identify new opportunities and build existing relationships.

Clinics are health centers that provide medical care to patients in an outpatient, non hospital setting. Clinics often specialize in one area of treatment such as women’s health, family planning, kidney and dialysis, rehabilitation, substance abuse and mental health. Some clinics are federally or privately funded and provide treatment to the general public or theuninsured at reduced fees or for free.

Clinics perform a wide array of treatment to patients from checkups and immunizations to specialty treatment and outpatient surgeries. Clinics have state of the art medical equipment and are staffed with doctors, nurses, and counselors.

Reach these Clinics for offers on Seminars, Subscriptions, Books, Recruitment and any other health related offer.

The DB Source – Clinics list is NCOA’d quarterly.

We can find any list you need!

  • Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists
  • Medical & Healthcare Mailing Lists
  • Business & Consumer Mailing Lists
  • Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers
  • Over 70 Years in Business

For More Information on the Clinics List:

Clinics Datacard

Or call 800.223.6454 to speak to a specialist today


Selections by Type of Clinic

Family Planning, Birth Control, Abortion Clinics 659
Kidney Dialysis Centers 3,215
Legal Clinics 425
Medical Clinics 24,537
Mental Health Clinics 4,298
Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinics 58
Psychiatric Clinics 303
Specialty Outpatient Clinics 5,398
Rehabilitation Treatment Centers 16,271
Specialty Outpatient Clinics 5,356


Other Selections

SIC 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 digit N/C
Primary SIC N/C
Executive – Top Contact Name $20/M
by Job Title add $5/M
Number of Employees $5/M
Sales Volume 5/M
Company HQ/Branch/Single Location $10/M
Branches & Franchises of Chain Operations
Includes by Type (McDonald’s, Ford, etc)
Importers/Exporters $5/M
Year Business Started $10/M